Going dark is military lingo for the sudden termination of communication. The term used to describe a scenario in which communication appears to have ceased, but in reality has just moved from a public communication channel, where it could be monitored, to a private communication channel that prevents eavesdropping. In the fitness world ‘going dark’ means […]

I have lost weight and reached fitness goals many times in my life and almost as fast as I lost weight I gained it back. Working out and adhering to a good fitness plan was never my issue with maintaining my weight loss. My issue has always been my diet.
It is so true that reaching your fitness goals really is 20% working out and 80% diet and nutrition. That is why I need to start living my life with the 80/20 rule.
80% diet and 20% working out/exercising.
I always thought that it didn’t matter what kind of food you ate as long as you worked out regularly and maintained your weight. Which is somewhat true when you are younger, but as you get older the junk food and beer catches up with you at lightning speed.
As you get older a healthy balanced diet is critical in weight loss and weight management. It has been the most difficult thing for me during my weight loss journey.
It is hard to stay disciplined especially as you get older and the sugar and salt cravings rate intense. Just like everything else in life I will take this ’one day at a time’.